Crime Against Humanity: Hands Up and Give Us Your Wallet, 6

That’s the rationale behind those “oddities” in birth certificates: the unidentified top left number is actually a progressive number counting up the government’s “properties”; the all−caps name is not much the name of the natural person, which wouldn’t ever be written in all caps, but rather the juristic all−caps “company name” of a legal person in the same name of the natural person; the “special Bank Bond paper” entails the definitions of bond: the undertaking to fulfil an obligation, or an interest−bearing document giving evidence of a debt, that may be secured by a collateral; the “American BankNote Company” authorising it entails the definition of banknote: essentially a kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note issued by a bank and payable to the bearer on demand – of course! Payable in what, exactly? –, used as money.
This whole scheme has been summarised as follows: “Congratulations: you and I are commodities!” Or, better yet: “Surprise! You don’t own yourself – The FED owns you!” Jokes aside – assuming that such things are jokes –, let aside our inclination to understatement and irony, and legal and formal technicalities as well, the heart of the matter is that we find ourselves in the enviable position to be unwitting and unvoluntary guarantors of our betrayers in favour of their instigators. It could be said that this carries out the real basic reason for the very existence of governments as Trojan horses: their function as primary tools of coercion first, and then expropriation, of peoples.

Now let’s transpose all this where it may be easier to see it in action: the increasingly pervasive and all−powerful banking monopoly over the flow of the social blood called money.

In the beginning, when you bought an ice cream, you took the money from under your mattress and gave it to the ice cream man, and that was all and nobody else’s business.
Then some handy petty thieves and newsies and legislators came along, and depositing cash where it could be used by bankers to profit through fractional reserve from that money of yours, not theirs, became the order of the day.
And for quite some time now, if you dare to pay that ice cream without the services of some intermediaries, well, you’re an outcast, and we do have every intention to outlaw you, that’ll teach you what some may want to call “an offer that you cannot refuse” is…