Crime Against Humanity: Forms of Seigniorage, 3

These definitions have two very important sides: a quasi−money side and an international side.

The quasi−money side is that they not only apply to money, but to any form of purchasing power created out of nothing as well – and that’s why I talk of purchasing power rather than money. You will notice how those who profit from issuing power tend to dilute the very concept of money itself and make it more and more abstract, ambiguous and undefined; well, this is not a fortuitous occurrence but on the contrary a planned one, and its motive is this exact reason: any form of purchasing power created out of nothing can be exploited in terms of seigniorage and gets created for just that.

For the sake of completeness it could be also said that seigniorage and counterfeiting are synonims, because these two labels share the same basis: there is something actually valuable, the seignior and the counterfeiter manufacture something else that pretends to be that valuable something, the raison d’etre of the operation is the “seigniorage”, the difference between its production cost and its purchasing power, and the lower the production cost, the happier the seignior and the counterfeiter, which is one of the reasons why they always push towards dematerialised currencies under their control, the other reasons being their increased surveillance on people, the increased addiction to them imposed on people, their increased faculty to create purchasing power out of nothing with impunity. A cashless society, provided it is under their control, is their suppressive ultimate dream.

The international side of the matter is that if the issuer can ensure want abroad for its fiat money or any other form of purchasing power created out of nothing, then it will be accepted abroad in exchange for real products and as a result the issuer and/or its nation will profit from what is called international seigniorage. As long and to the degree peoples and nations abroad want that fiat money and do not demand that nation and its issuer to redeem it in actual product, that issuer and that nation can go on indefinitely giving nothing in exchange for something. And modern history is dotted with crimes against humanity perpetrated for this very reason.