Monetary Monopoly in Monopoly Racing: Ubi Maior Minor Cessat, 4

Island B: Basically, just like in the case of the electricity monopolistic parasite, the monetary monopolistic parasite’s customers are his employees, and the more he squeezes and starves them, the less they can pay and buy, and the less income, profits and solvency there are for him. Where’s the difference, if any? The monetary monopolistic parasite compensates for the lost income by creating more money out of nothing in his pockets. The employees he’s stripped of their safeguards, competence, savings, fired and reduced to misery won’t buy his products and provide him the income to pay his suppliers? No harm done, the parasite thinks: I’ll print that money myself. So you have production on the decline, and money on the rise, a combination also known as inflation. Inflation? Who cares, the parasite thinks: it is I who own monetary sovereignty, therefore I can always create money in my pockets faster than prices rise, and with it I can continue to buy anything under the sun, including the police and law enforcement officials to protect my properties from that famished rabble.
But as I said, fortunately in a way, for our practical purposes we live in a finite world, hence economy ends up being circular anyway, whether the monetary monopolistic parasite likes it or not, therefore sooner or later he collides with the physical limits of society and, hopefully, with its immune reaction, just like the electricity monopolistic parasite on Island A.
The second difference being, finally, the fraudulent and inflationary purchasing power created out of nothing has eluded the society’s antibodies, hence merely delayed and maybe weakened the immune reaction, and thus prolonged and exacerbated all the downsides, troubles, robbery, damages, sufferings and chances of recovery of people, during and after their agony.