Monetary Monopoly in Monopoly Racing: Ubi Maior Minor Cessat, 2

Not only has monetary monopoly a competitive advantage over other monopolies allowing it to outclass them in the monopoly race, but it can also even stretch the physiological tolerance level of society, thus delaying its physiological reaction, that should trigger when the degree of parasitism reaches the level where the host organism either defeats the parasite or dies, and therefore sinking it more and more deeply into the quicksand of agony.

Two Example Islands will provide us with a compared example in two stages: the monopoly race in stage one, the sabotage of tolerance level in stage two.
Here too, these two stages are here in a logical sequence for sake of clarity, while in reality they may overlap or be mixed in various degrees.

Stage one: on Island A, a monopoly of supply of electricity arises, while on Island B two monopoly arise: the same monopoly of supply of electricity, and a monetary monopoly of creation of money out of nothing.
On Island A, the electricity monopolistic parasite proceeds unchallenged with stealing purchasing power from the people through his thievish margins between his poor product and high prices.
On Island B, the monetary monopolistic parasite uses its competitive advantage of purchasing power out of nothing to engulf the electricity monopolist parasite.

Stage two: on Island A the electricity monopolistic parasite remains, while on Island B only the monetary monopolistic parasite remains.
On Island A, sooner or later the greed of the electricity monopolistic parasite collides with the phyiscal limits of society: the parasitic extortion reaches such a level, in proportion to the vital needs and resources, that the society begins to either explode or implode out of famine and suffocation, and the parasite with it.