Income Tax, 7

So now guess, who is that someone? Which “someone” is going to assume that role of “handler” – together with the power associated to it? Exactly: politicians. Politicians, and their puppeteers, have an obvious vested interest in supporting the reversal of ethics and its Trojan horses.
But while politicians foment and exploit the baser instincts parading the pretended purpose of punishing top earners about, in their customary duplicity they conceal their real reasons, which are: to account for their very existence as “handlers”, and to maximise the order of magnitude of what they dispossess and “handle”.
And here is where progressive taxation plays its strategic function… for them: as time goes by, inflation increases earnings just formally, in that money figures increase but their real purchasing power remains the same if it doesn’t even decrease; progressive taxes ensure that this formal increase, on equal real purchasing power, subjects taxpayers to progressively higher tax rates, dispossessing them of an increasingly greater part of their real purchasing power. And all this pretending that nothing changed, that nothing happened. In other words, the secret mission of progressive taxation is partially occulting the long term, automatic and continuous increase of dispossession.

In conclusion, and in a nutshell, to understand the goal of taxes, cherchez l’argent: follow the money. As to this, the picture is clear when it is complete: from the citizens to governments through taxes, and from the governments to the moneypulators through moneypulation, debt money, and the infinite debt trap. And each and every piece of the aforementioned legitimisation of “professional” givers, receivers and handlers, of dispossession, handling and dispensing without the consent of the dispossessed, plays its specific role: the givers are the target, the receivers are the pretext, the handlers are the tools (to whom some minor part of the loot remains stuck, just to grease the wheels), and the moneypulators pull the strings. And seize and enslave everything and everyone in the long run.