Income Tax, 3

On the outgo side of the government, the crime syndicate headed by the banker accounts for the bigger share of it, totally unfounded and sheer robbery; on its income side, instead of collecting taxes, the government ought to issue debt free “fiat” money itself, to pay for, and in ratio to, the valuable products it purchases from the community in order to produce the valuable products it delivers to the community.
Or – better still – earn allocations of money for its functions from the legitimate owners of monetary sovereignty – the citizens – depending on the actual and honest delivery of these valuable products, case by case, day by day.
When someone asks you to extend him credit, you evaluate whether he will use that credit ethically, whether he is able to do that, and whether he shall give it back to you. So if the citizens own monetary sovereignty, everytime the government wants to do something, it asks them to extend it credit, and each citizen is free to evaluate and to extend it or not.

I mean, it’s not just ideas, it’s facts: it’s been done in history, and it proved successful. In fact, there exists such a case in point in history that all its social disrepute is needed to divert our attention from its incontrovertible, conclusive economic evidence: Germany between the two world wars. After causing a first bloody mess with World War I, Germany were enduring its consequences and thus in ruins; how come that in a few decades it recovered to a point of having the power to cause a second bloody mess with World War II? Government did exactly just that: printing debt−free fiat money at no cost, and using it to pay for the products purchased from the society it then used to produce its own products delivered to the society. The resulting statistic of recovery is there to see in history. Provided one can lift the blanket of horror and demonization that conceals it and separate the wheat from the chaff.