From The Philosopher's Stone To The Overall Scene: How Come?, 2

And, speaking of the order of magnitude of the staggering privilege of the philosopher’s stone of moneypulation, indeed we haven’t yet finished moving more and more backwards and upwards to bring into focus its full scope; quite to the contrary, we have just begun, for the very simple reason that that scope is immense.
The overall scene we’re going to face is a global suppression machine, and it is a huge, immense machine. Therefore, running it has huge, immense costs.

Indeed we’re knee deep in what I further ahead label our “humanoid faults”, however our curses do not stem from them out of mere spontaneous combustion, but out of their ruthless, planned, systematic, intensive, large−scale sowing, cultivation and exploitation.

And that is the huge, immense machine. One able to operate and exploit our humanoid faults to such an order of magnitude and thoroughness to be as effective on a global scale as we can ourselves witness by just looking around us at any time is an immense, and thus an immensely costly, machine.
As we move backwards and upwards and further sectors of the machine enter the perimeter of our overall picture, our estimation of the order of magnitude of the resources needed to fuel it expands accordingly; when the picture is complete, that order of magnitude has reached a level where we wonder whether there is a wallet deep, huge, immense enough in the whole society at all.

And then we realise there is one: that of moneypulators.

And that, by the way, is the connection between economic suppression and global suppression, between suppression perpetrated directly through moneypulation and any other form of suppression perpetrated by means of anything that all the world’s gold provided by moneypulation can buy: not only such connection is a matter that the philosopher's stone fuels the global suppression; but it is a matter that behind one and behind the other there are the same individuals, too.

Therefore, as the gap between our overall picture and the overall scene and its actual full scope reduces, the fifth repetition – indeed a bit rethorical… – resonates louder and louder: how come that moneypulators have been allowed to thrive to the point of reaching the level needed to fuel that immense machine we’re going to break up? Fifth answer?