Crime Against Humanity: Pensée Unique in Economics, 53

Is the real purpose of the Pensée Unique in Economics perhaps to repeat the success of its “direct forerunner … British classical economics of the nineteenth century”? As Werner tells us, “Classical economics appeared to serve a useful purpose for the empire: it recommended that other countries did not need to develop competing industries, or use government intervention, but instead should open their markets, without charging any tariffs, to British exports. Not surprisingly, classical economics was used to advance British power worldwide.” We’ve already covered the debt spiral a country is going to put itself into by exporting only low−value−added commodities whose prices decrease over time in exchange for importing high−value−added items whose prices increase over time; suffice here Werner reporting that “Studying the facts by meticulously researching the historical record of economic development of the major economic powers over the centuries, (Friedrich, development economist) List concluded that there was not one major economic power that owed its successful development to free trade and free market policies. … He found that although British leaders were loudest in propagating the free market paradigm, British economic development was due to trade restrictions, protectionism, government intervention, industrial policy and other ‘visible hands’.”
Of course economic imperialism is a prime motive, but when focusing on the fact that it intrinsically implies a victim and an attacker, let’s think bigger than sheer countries; let’s think global.

Is the real purpose of the Pensée Unique in Economics perhaps to allow moneypulators – global moneypulators – to “practice contrary to what they preach” undisturbed? So that those who control central banks, the IMF and all the rest of it can go on bleeding whole countries dry with impunity for ever, by disguising predation as heavy but unavoidable therapy and as their victims’ fault anyway?
Yes indeed, but these are mere tactical targets, not strategic ones.

Crime Against Humanity: Pensée Unique in Economics