Overflight, 47

“… Welcome to the [white] rabbit hole. We are entering a period of financial crisis that is the greatest the world has ever known. The wealth transfer that will take place during this decade is the greatest wealth transfer in history. Wealth is never destroyed, it is merely transferred … I believe that the best investment that you can make in your lifetime is your own education. Education on the history of money. Education on finance. Education on how the global economy works. Education on how all of these guys, the central bankers, the stock market, how they can cheat you. How they can scam you.”
Michael Maloney, from hiddensecretsofmoney.com [text in square brackets added by the author]

“Money, or some equivalent, is … a necessity in any civilisation or community above the stage where everyone produces all that he or she consumes. But it is a dangerous necessity … only too apt to engender … politic social diseases potent enough to bring the proudest nations to the dust. It substitutes for the natural inalienable right of the worker to the produce of his toil a vague generalised claim upon the totality of the fruits of the community’s efforts – a highly indefinite quantity, which opens the door to every kind of abuse. On the moral side, it divorces the conception of wealth from the dignity of labour …
The variation of the purchasing power of money exposes the community to wholesale injustice on the one side and undeserved gain on the other. … But worse than all, it paves the way to the economic subjugation of humanity to monetary power because of the confusion in the minds of people between money and wealth. … it tries to condemn to eternal slavery generations not yet born. It is therefore of the utmost importance that all those who wish to understand social problems should understand and make themselves masters of the subject of money. That no one yet understands it is a truism. Least of all those who have made a special study of it … seem able to answer intelligibly the simplest questions about it that it would occur to the veriest tyro to ask. …
