What are we talking about?, 3

Being someone’s property means being slaves.
Hence, we’re talking about freedom or slavery.

That’s what we’re talking about.

What does it matter? This is what is happening everywhere:
the thief, with the stolen purchasing power, is buying out the world.

But even that is still not all.

People are of three kinds: wise, stupid, evil. You see it in what others are to them.
Wise people help others to live, too.
Stupid people don’t care about others and anything.
Evil people betray to keep others from living.

On the one hand, a wise person would never dream of stealing the world, and only dreams of others being well, which is quite different from owning them.
On the other hand, a person dedicated to stealing the world is not just a thief, he’s also evil; and he is not content with stealing it because the real reason why he’s stealing it is keeping others from living.
The proof is that if purchasing power were his ultimate aim, once obtained he would be appeased; and instead it is just a means, because he is using it to destroy others.

Destroying others means reducing them to nothing: physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Turning them into slave zombies and into ashes to ashes is not helping them; whoever thinks so is socially ill.
Hence, we’re talking about life or death.

That’s what we’re talking about.

What does it matter? This is what is happening everywhere:
the thief is not only stealing our world; he is also destroying us.

It is not difficult to verify. It is enough to observe knowing what to look for.
And someone wisely pointed out: “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”