Crime Against Humanity: the Holy GAAP, 6

After all, language is used to build communication buildings and bridges as far as the eye can see, and all of them are made of the same building blocks: those bricks known as words and symbols. Imagining the consequences of having the basics of anything misunderstood, shacky, unstable and thus mishandled in unpredictable wrong ways, is quite a strain of one’s imagination, but it’s nonetheless the harsh truth that confronts us.

On these grounds, the evil intentions of moneypulators go hand−in−glove with the human reactions to misunderstood words and symbols: usually any reaction except the only correct one, detecting and clarifying them. If you have envisioned and assessed the scope and impact of drivers having misunderstood “start”, “stop”, etc., and of designers having misunderstood things like the decimal separator, now it’s the time for you to envision and assess the scope and impact of politicians, judges, academics, media operators – even conceding they’re in good faith – and of general public, having hit those mines so carefully placed by moneypulators…
The legalisation of moneypulation is hostile territory; confront it accordingly. Dictionaries, logic, pertinacy, and eyes wide open scanning for gaps.

It's been said that, unfortunately, in our packaging there wasn't an instruction manual, hence putting it together from scratch is a bit of a thankless task. Quite the same could be said about the Holy GAAP, except in this case the maze under its bonnet has been mapped for us, and we should consider our good fortune in terms of what difference it makes facing a labyrinth with or without a map. This is no small accomplishment; this is an invaluable one. That it enabled adding my two cents here is nothing compared to its enabling anyone to detect and face this labyrinth hiding the greatest swindle and the greatest crime against humanity in history. This is what Daniele Pace gave us with his “The Rabbit in The Hat. Bank Accounting and Money Creation”.