Crime Against Humanity: the Ambiguous Money Cycle – Gold Standard Cycle, 23

Now, I invite you to consider in the light of all of the above what has been dug out and demonstrated about our current state of things by Daniele Pace in his The Fruiterer’s Conspiracy I mention in the heartily recommended readings:
The bankers, to the purpose of legitimating their usurpation of monetary sovereignty, use their power and their various fifth columns in politics, academia, media, etc. to impose this dogma under the guise of a mainstream economic theory, whose fallacy is put in the shade by their sheer firepower: 1) False problem: they exaggerate and demonise inflation into a bogeyman. 2) False cause: they assign blame for it to the excess of money created by governments. 3) False solution: they pass off as trustworthy bulwark the central bankers, whose freedom and independence from governments would enable them to curb the excessive creation of money, and by extention the whole banking system in general.
We have here a textbook case of the principle that “the criminal accuses others of his own crimes” – a case where the criminal even exploits such false and covertly autobiographical charges to deceive, defeat, seize and suppress his victims: the rest of us. The truth is rather different: the cause of inflation is not the excess of money in itself, but the possible excess of money in relation to the existing and exchangeable goods and services; the central bankers are the puppets of the bankers, they neither can nor want to curb inflation, but on the contrary they’re there to cover up the real cause of it, their puppeteer bankers whom use the usurped monetary sovereignty to systematically create money in excess with which they are seizing everything and everyone.