Crime Against Humanity: the Ambiguous Money Cycle – Gold Standard Cycle, 3

In pursuing their criminal aims, the moneypulators exploit, hence have a vested interest in feeding, if they do not even deliberately cause, that well−known humanoid attitude towards money that seems to stem directly from the one stone age Man had towards fire: people worship any kind of money, whether gold or paper, be it with induced intrinsic value or without even that, as if they were hypnotized in front of some sort of supernatural magnet charged with mysterious energy and powers. It has much to do with “look, don’t think, in other words, observe what’s in front of your nose, please”, and proof is a case of a lecturer showing a slide picturing Monopoly money, Federal Reserve notes and solid gold American Eagle coins, asking which one is not like the others, being answered “Monopoly money” by an audience of university professors and “solid gold” from an audience of five year old children, and wondering who’s smarter.
The point is, the greater that power of suggestion, the farther they are from seeing both money and moneypulators for what they are: a tool vital for the community, and its merely criminal hijackers. The whole point for the latter is that the intangible plane of that attitude yields its fraudulent results in the tangible plane, with people considering the substitute, fiat money, in the meantime more and more substitute for pure and simple nothing, as a value in itself beside the value it substitutes or pretends it substitutes; as if the measuring tool was equal to the measured product and began to exist as an additional unit of product beside the actual one.

The more money is a hypnotic fetish, the more the usurpers of your monetary sovereignty, the robbers of your purchasing power, are entitled in your hazy eyes to its face falue as if it contained actual value and they incurred in actual costs to acquire it – which is all a filthy lie. As to this, it is also interesting to observe how debt money and ambiguous money cycle are synergetic: the more people is conditioned to consider currency as backed by some intrinsic value somewhere – which is more and more false – the more they are willing to accept that the holder of monetary sovereignty issues debt fiat money and loans it at face value as if it cost something to the latter – which is more and more false –.