Crime Against Humanity: Fractional Reserve, Namely Legalized Counterfeiting, 19

In view of the fact that all this is now clear to us, then it must be far clearer to its instigators and promoters, and the actual purposes of such an “insurance” have to be in bad faith in the first place; the customer’s confidence thus capitalized has to be inherently a betrayal, aimed at of looting both people and the insuring bodies whatever their kind, be them public, private or mixed, while relieving the criminals of the consequences of their crimes. “Deposit insurance” and such schemes are not “insurance”; they are redistributive rackets designed to allow their exploiters to plunder their victims more thoroughly. And, finally and additionally, such racket can also serve monopolistic criminal aims: deposit insurance is usually provided by legally and economically monopolistic bodies, whether public or not; as such, they will be under the control of the big fishes, hence any bank will be faced with the choice of toeing the big fishes’ line, with all that this entails, or be doomed through the competitive disadvantage of being not “insured”, and maybe “inevitably” more prone to the “unpredictable” adverse events of the “free market”.

And compared to “honest” fraud by “simple” counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking also coerces the robbed individual to pay back to the robber, with as much fraudulently borrowed interest, what both the individual and the community were robbed of in the first place. An inherently bankrupt and inherently fraudulent pyramid scheme of enslavement through plunder. I think that we can, finally and definitively, call things with their name, and rename “fractional reserve banking” as “bankers counterfeiting and appropriating money out of nothing behind the fig leaf that they won’t exaggerate that counterfeiting beyond the arbitrary limit they themselves establish”.