Crime Against Humanity: Fractional Reserve, Namely Legalized Counterfeiting, 17

The essential propellant that keeps any swindle in the air, particularly pyramid schemes, is the victims’ confidence. To the degree bankers can’t count on the weapons of oligo−monopoly to force people to be their customers – which is increasingly often the case these days, by the way –, customers’ confidence is their treasure to snatch up and defend. Speaking of incredulousness, the degree of such customers’ confidence and therefore of bankers’ success in this may look incredible to us, but only because now we know something about it; hence, this confirms that knowledge is the antibody for deceptions. So finally, as an introduction to their final solution, or rather, their final weapon, let’s discuss briefly the subject of customers’ confidence from a certain viewpoint.

If people knew as we now know that bankers have less clothes than the king behind the houses of marked cards of their banks’ colonnades, and if they weren’t forced to do so at gunpoint by banker’s monopoly of money deposits and flows, would they avail themselves of bankers’ “services”? Let’s have a look at it from the viewpoint of a free and well−informed prospective customer:
Would you spontaneously and knowingly consign your hard−earned and real money in exchange for a banker’s promise to pay you an equal amount in non−existing money?
Would you do that knowing that in doing so you fuel the very scheme the banker uses to plunder you and everyone else?
Would you do that knowing that you’d get caught in a pyramid scheme that inherently holds toghether only as long as you and your fellow customers do not demand back what is yours?
Would you do that knowing that you and every single one of your fellow customers are fully aware from top to bottom of each and every point above? That each one of you consigns hard−earned and real money in exchange for banker’s promises to pay back non−existing money? That you fuel the scheme the banker set up to plunder you all? That you’re getting caught in a pyramid scheme that holds together only as long as you all pretend not to know and do not demand back what is yours, that you’ll never have back?