Synopsis (Recap)

Welcome to here and now. Every way in, out, through or up begins by finding out where you are.

The subject is: “What the … is going on?”
If I may take the liberty to introduce this subject and answer this question in a nutshell, I’ll do it with its key factors:

The Core:
Every effect has its causes, anything that is going on included. The root cause is the intention of individuals, and the outcome proves the nature of the intention. Hence anything unpalatable that is going on is rooted in the evil intentions to that effect of some individuals, and in the lack of counter intention of too many of us.

The Philosopher’s Stone:
How can such individuals amass so much power to produce so much damage to us all? The answer, the tool, is the perfect crime, if there ever was one; and the outcome proves its perfection: the criminal dream of the philosopher’s stone that transmutes lead into gold is a reality, and we’ve been kept carefully uninformed for a long time.

The Overall Picture:
How can almost every nightmare and almost no dream come true so inescapably and sistematically? The answer is found by adding up the core and the philosopher’s stone: the most lethal weapon in the most lethal hands. And once you know the addends, the result of the addition takes on a wider significance.

The Price of Existence:
So? Are we doomed or can we survive that lethal addition? Can we do something about it?
The list of the real faults is the list or feasible repairs. False problems further confuse away from the solution; the real problem sheds light on it.

So let’s get to the point.

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In the beginning there was barter: goods and services, which are what is actually valuable, were directly exchanged, and the honest purchasing power was attained by producing those goods and services.
Then we switched to money, and in the beginning money had a face value equal to its intrinsic value; example: an x−ounce gold coin had a face value equal to the intrinsic value of those x ounces of gold. So far, both the honest purchasing power of goods and services and the honest purchasing power of money with intrinsic value were attained by producing goods and services, or money.

In the course of history money has been modified by reducing its intrinsic value to zero: today paper money has face value x but intrinsic value zero.
The reduction of intrinsic value to zero has a positive side: the standard of living depends on the levels of production and exchange of real factors for the welfare, such as knowledge, resources, cooperation, food and shelter for one, for one’s fellows and for the offspring, and these depend on the medium of exchange as money just as the organism depends on the quantity of blood and on its degree of oxygenation. Money without intrinisc value but phisically manageable and abundant is a more abundant and oxygenated blood than a money with intrinsic value but cumbersome and scarce.
The problem is that the reduction of intrinsic value to zero has a not necessarily negative but CRUCIAL side as well: as a consequence of this reduction to zero, monetary sovereignty acquires an ABSOLUTE importance.
Because monetary sovereignty is the faculty to create money that is, purchasing power, and creating money without intrinsic value means creating that purchasing power OUT OF NOTHING INTO ONE’S OWN POCKET.

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That is the reason why monetary sovereignty has an ABSOLUTE importance. It probably is the greatest and more important power that exists: he who has it is the ONLY one who can create in his own pockets purchasing power at ZERO cost out of NOTHING, while ANYONE else to have money and purchasing power must work, produce something, and bear the REAL costs of it.
If money has intrinsic value, as the gold coin of the past, to put together its purchasing power one has to work, to produce, to bear costs.
If money has zero intrinsic value, as today’s paper money, the work, the production, the costs to bear to put that purchasing power together are ZERO. One wields a magic wand, and one creates purchasing power in ONE’S OWN POCKET OUT OF NOTHING AT ZERO COST.
When this new money will be added to the money already existing, if society can absorb further production, then the purchasing power of this additional money put into it will enable this additional production and will be absorbed by it. On the contrary, if the current production already saturates what the society can absorb, or no further production is possible, then this additional money will increase the money to products ratio, hence will dilute the value of money, that is, it will generate inflation, and thus it will STEAL a percentage of the purchasing power from the money already existing in the pockets of others.
But stealing purchasing power by generating inflation is just an additional theft: in BOTH cases, inflation or no inflation, the holder of monetary sovereignty is the owner of the new purchasing power the moment it gets born out of nothing.

A key term of this subject is “Seigniorage”. Given the interests at stake, the definition of “Seigniorage” is subject to controversy. However, it is no surprise that such controversies are nothing compared to the interests at stake for the simple reason that these interests, being criminal, are based on the passiveness of the citizen, and that in turn is in proportion to his apathy, disinformation and ignorance, and the code of silence is an essential fertilizer for all this.
To put it bluntly, in short and in essence seigniorage is the profit of monetary sovereignty, and is equivalent to the difference between face value and intrinsic value that the holder of monetary sovereignty profits.

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Firstly, money must exist in ratio to the exchangeable products and services, to allow the exchange of the existing ones and the fulfilment of the potential ones. Not more because it pillages the economy, not less because it suffocates it. Secondly, in real life yesterday’s production made possible today’s production, this in turn makes possible tomorrow’s one, and all them together, on the common denominator of trust, honesty and justice, guarantee survival and future. Therefore money must reflect real life honestly: if the intrinsic value of money is zero and so its purchasing power is born out of nothing in someone’s pocket, then it properly belongs to its legitimate owner, the citizen that works and has produced, produces and will produce the actual value, the products and services, to the degree of his or her production. And nobody else has the right to usurp it, as is the case since too long.

Monetary sovereignty gets USURPED and STOLEN from the citizen, and not once but TWICE: the first by the rulers, the second by the bankers.
First, society develops institutions, and the individuals who climb these institutions use the force of the law to steal monetary sovereignty from the citizen.
At this stage, all the peoples of the world take for granted a false and destructive idea: that the monetary sovereignty has to belong to the state.
Then the individuals that climbed the institutions to exploit them sell out to the bankers, and use the force of the law to make sure that the state gives away monetary sovereignty to the bankers.
Then again, those same individuals in league with the bankers use the force of the law to make even sure that the state borrows from the thieves the loot it fraudulently gave away to them: the state borrows from the bankers, against real collateral and at real interest, that money it granted them to create out of nothing at zero cost, instead of being the state itself to create it, and instead of, better still, restoring this faculty to its legitimate owner: the citizen.

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These are the key details:
a small portion of money is created out of nothing at zero cost by the so−called central banks;
central banks deserve the adjective “so−called” because their label, “central”, is a fiction specifically designed to make them look like public entities while they actually belong to the bankers, whether owned or controlled;
on the basis of the money created out of nothing by the central banks, the other banks create, still out of nothing and at zero cost, the bulk of the money, hiding behind the fig leaf known as “fractional reserve”: they self−restrain this privilege of theirs by the rule that they must keep as a reserve a fraction of the money they create; this reserve is of the order of 1%−10%, hence the bulk of the existing money is created by the other banks, while the “central” bank serves the mummery of the fractional reserve;
what is currently accepted as money challenges the very concept of existence, in that almost all the circulating money actually does not exist, in the sense that it doesn’t even exist as cash but only as accounting entry; furthermore, formally that accounting entry is not money but a promise of money, while in actuality it is imposed to us as if it was money, so the bankers can create purchasing power out of nothing without committing counterfeiting;
behind the war on cash there are the bankers, and their motives are: wiping out any chance of the citizen to escape their monopoly, pillage and control on each and every economic act, maximizing the fractional reserve, and make it all grow and last to infinity, in the way I’ll detail ahead.

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How does one maximize the fractional reserve? The money existing in the form of physical cash circulating outside of their circuits is not part of their reserves, therefore they cannot use it for the fractional reserve; on the contrary, all the money that remains in the form of accounting entry within their circuits gets multiplied almost infinitely with this trick with mirrors, or rather sleight of hand: supposing the current fractional reserve is 10%, a bank creates 100 units of money out of nothing, keeps 10% as reserve and then loans at interest 90 units to its customers, which use these 90 units by giving them to others, which in turn deposit them in their banks, whom keep 10% as reserve and loan at interest 81 units to their customers, which use these 81 units by giving them to others, whici deposit them in their banks, whom keep 10% as reserve… is the set−up clear?

Is there any difference between a legalised thief of monetary sovereignty and a counterfeiter, other than the first controls the law and the second doesn’t?
Is the thief claiming he’s not a thief because he doesn’t steal more than he himself established to steal right?
This THEFT has been defined THE GREATEST SWINDLE IN HISTORY, and I totally agree. And I believe that, due to its nature and order of magnitude, this theft, this scam, qualifies as CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. As THE GREATEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY OF THE WHOLE HUMAN HISTORY.

Particularly since this mechanism has an INEVITABLE AND INESCAPABLE consequence, that arises from two precise causes:
The first cause is known as unfair competition: if in a group of competitors there is only one who can have any resource – money, labour, energy, raw materials, knowledge, etc. – at its disposal at ZERO cost, while all others must bear a cost for that same resource, this is an UNBRIDGEABLE competitive advantage.
The consequence of an unbridgeable competitive advantage is that sooner or later – the time taken, ten, one hundred, one thounsand years is immaterial – the competitor enjoying it will put out of business ALL the other competitors. And if the resource at zero cost for only one competitor and costing money to all others is even money itself, the pathway is more open and clear than ever.

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The second – last but not at all least – cause is what is called DEBT MONEY. The bankers in league with their accomplices do not settle for stealing the purchasing power generated by creating the money, but when they loan that loot to the robbed citizens, both directly and by means of public institutions, they demand an interest, too.
This not only aggravates the theft, but activates a SPIRAL OF INEXTINGUISHABLE DEBT: the debtor must pay back more than he “received”, but the only one capable of creating what the debtor must pay back more is the creditor himself. Consequently, in the presence of usurped monetary sovereignty and debt money no country and no people may ever pay back their debts fraudulently induced, but can only sink deeper and deeper into them. And end up paying them in hunger, sweat and chains.
One may happen to hear the expressive term “odious debt”; if we define it as any debt designedly caused by the creditor to the purpose of bleeding, seizing and enslaving the debtor, well, there it is.

What is, in fact, the INEVITABLE AND INESCAPABLE consequence of either one of these causes?
Anyone that usurps monetary sovereignty from its legitimate owner, the producing citizen, and thus has at his or her disposal an inexhaustible source of purchasing power at zero cost will be able, sooner or later – the time taken, ten, one hundred, one thousand years is immaterial –, to become MONOPOLIST, AND BUY AND BECOME ABSOLUTE MASTER OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE.
That is the philosopher’s stone: purchasing power out of nothing at zero cost.

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One of the basic, universal, endemic and lethal plagues of the world is monopoly; and the stronger a monopoly is, the easier it is for it to become increasingly stronger and screw us more and more. The means by which monopolies grow so easily and so rapidly is the greatest swindle in history: the theft of monetary sovereignty, aggravated by debt money. In the presence of them, and of the spiral of inextinguishable debt and of the unbridgeable competitive advantage resulting from them, ALL the bodies are inescapably doomed to fall into the hands of the usurpers of monetary sovereignty, through the forming of larger and larger monopolies. Not only public bodies and institutions, governments and states, are not immune, but on the contrary they are the first targets, being particularly sought−after for their function as primary tools of coercion and expropriation of peoples. And the world is being strangled by stolen monetary sovereignty, debt money and monopolies.

The cycles of ups and downs, be them collapses of financial markets or economic crises, that get passed off as “physiological economic cycles” are an example of this premeditate strangling. The mechanism is as follows:
Monetary sovereignty includes the power to decide how much money must exist and whom to grant it to as well, and the bankers possessing it use this power to cause cycles of ups and downs deliberately. The duration of the cycle is immaterial, ten or one hundred years, the mechanism doesn’t change. At the beginning of the cycle they throw chum into the water: they make much money available at low cost and thus lead the society to get into debt with them in order to invest. And then at some point they decide to pull in the fishnets: they ask back what they loaned, money becomes more and more scarce and costly, the noose tightens upon the neck of those who borrowed and now can’t give the money back anymore, and individuals, businesses and institutions, deliberately led to insolvency, blow up, go bankrupt and get expropriated on by the bankers in order of financial exposure and insolvency. At every cicle of ups and downs, the big fishes among the bankers foreclose and seize another slice of society: individuals, businesses, institutions and the small fry among their competitors.

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One of the main reasons why all this does not surface is the connivance, the code of silence, and the manipulation of politicians, academics, and media.
All these mechanisms get covered up, in particular, by so much incredible a fact that perhaps only the theft of monetary sovereignty is more incredible:
The bankers write their accounting principles themselves, and the complicit politicians, academics and media recognise them.
These are the indicted points:

If a company receives something for free, that is something that enters its availability and that the company owes to no one; it increases its assets and it generates in its balance sheet a corresponding book entry increasing its assets. When that company uses that something, for instance to exchange it with something else, that use generates in its balance sheet another book entry. Two distinct and separate events, two distinct and separate book entries.
When a banker creates money out of nothing at zero cost in his own pocket, that too is something that enters his availability and that the banker owes to no one. Counterfeiting aside, it increases his assets and as such it should generate in his balance sheet a book entry of active occurrence just as for any mere mortal. When the banker uses that money out of nothing, tipically by lending it, that use generates in his balance sheet another book entry. Two distinct and separate events, indeed. But… two distinct and separate book entries as well?

The acquirement of a resource is one thing, and an accounting event; an employment of that same resource is another thing, and another accounting event. They are two DISTINCT AND SEPARATE events, both in reality and in accounting. And the trick, indeed, is this: the creation of money out of nothing has been organised in such a way that these two events, that normally occur at a distance of time from each other, in the case of creation of money out of nothing occur simultaneously instead, and this simultaneity is used to conceal the fact that one of these two events, obviously the crucial one, is not booked.
The banker creates the money out of nothing the very moment, and in the very act, of loaning it. Thus, the two distinct events of acquirement and first employment of that money are simultaneous. And their simultaneity is used to confuse them with one another to the purpose of not booking the crucial one, the acquirement! In his balance sheet, the banker does NOT enter at all any book entry of active occurrence for that money, while he regularly enters a book entry of employment, instead, for the simultaneous loaning of that same money.

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That is not just “accounting trickery”. THIS IS FALSE ACCOUNTING. This false accounting is the key cog in the mechanism of the theft of monetary sovereignty, and in view of the order of magnitude of its consequences it qualifies as the mother of all false accounting.
Part of this crime is how deeply it is occulted: in both applicable laws and even in accounting terminology there is no term for this case, while the closest existing terms, active occurrence and contingent asset, do not fit; so: no term, no case.
And part of this crime is that the bankers steer clear of this indictment by the trick of the ambiguous nature of the money they create: being a promise of money imposed as money, it has its purchasing power but creating it is not formally counterfeiting.

The next trick is, in fact, the ambiguous nature of the money the banker creates out of nothing. The very definition of money gets deliberately blurred, to the aim of passing off as money what is not money. The definition of money is synonymous of monetary sovereignty: money is that issued by the holder of monetary sovereignty. Hence if one does not hold monetary sovereignty and successfully creates and passes off one’s money, one factually and successfully steals monetary sovereignty.
And that is precisely what bankers do. They do not hold monetary sovereignty; someone else does: formally, these times, a central bank, whoever controls it. Legally, in this context, the money created by the central bank is money, and the money created by the bankers is not; they pressure to pass it off as if it was, and that is the only reason of such ambiguity. They call it “scriptural money”, by which they would have us mean “dematerialised money”, but whose real meaning is, instead, “promise of payment”. The money created by bankers out of nothing is not money; it is a promise of payment. Payment of what? Of money created by the holder of monetary sovereignty.

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Passing off a promise of payment as money consists of inducing people to accept it as if it was. And it lasts as long as one is not asked to keep that promise. The scriptural money created out nothing by the bankers lasts as long as their bluff isn’t called. That’s why bankers pressure to convince us that is the natural order of things and to make it last forever. In two ways, mainly, they exert such pressure.
One is fighting cash and dictating a cashless society, as previously mentioned: they’re not fighting “fraud” and promoting an “efficient” society. Who, them? As I said before, they’re just fighting to expand their lethal weapon called fractional reserve, fighting to establish their totalitarian monopoly on the economic life of anyone, fighting their bluff being called and being called to keep their promises, and fighting to expand and make their usurpation of monetary sovereignty last ad infinitum, in terms of both time and scope.
The other is the by−the−book criminal conspiracy called clearing house. When I owe you ten quids and you owe me nine quids, there’s nothing wrong at all in one quid changing hands instead of ten quids changing hands in one direction, while nine quids change hands in the opposite direction: plain common sense. But when banker A owes banker B ten of their promises of payment created out of nothing, banker B owes banker A nine of them, and only one of them changes hands instead of nineteen… do things utterly change.
All bankers have their peers under their thumb. It would be enough that a banker called a fellow banker to keep his promises – pay his debts to him in real money, cash or whatever form issued by the real formal holder of monetary sovereignty – and he would knock that fellow banker out. But bankers are careful not to do that for a very good reason: it would be worse than pushing the red button of the atomic war, in terms of immediate retaliation and total annihilation; and their fellows surviving it would not forgive them. So, why being so stupid to push that button and kill their golden goose, particularly if there’s plenty of golden eggs for everyone?

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Whence, the criminal conspiracy: the trick stands up as long as no one calls a banker to keep his promises of payment? So all bankers play along and hold their bags to one another: they accept each other’s promises of payment and are careful not to call each other to hold them, and in doing so they set up a perfectly watertight network, where their promises circulate from bank account to bank account, from citizen to citizen, seamlessly and indefinitely and no one ever dreams of calling them to keep those promises of payment. This is what the concept of clearing house applied to scriptural money is: a criminal conspiracy thanks to which the bankers’ promises of payment can last forever as no one will ever call them to keep them. This closes the cycle in what is called banking reflux: the scriptural money, after having been simultaneously created out of nothing and lent by the banker, and then repaid to the banker, from then on never ceases to exist, and the biggest scam in history with it.

And finally, as I said before, this loop of synchronised tricks, pretences and sleights of hand is sealed, legalised and covered up by a series of legal curtains, whose existence raises obvious questions with obvious answers.

Is that all incredible? Exactly. But it is often so when it comes to truth; in fact, putting it under your nose and making it appear incredible are among the most used methods to hide it.
The answer to any doubt, perplexity or skepticism is the statistic of wealth distribution in the world in the last centuries: a curve that rises esponentially in time, with an increasingly higher percentage of wealth in the hands of less and less people. today we’re at the point where 1% of the population owns more than the remaining 99% put together.

And all this always keeping in mind that these crimes against humanity get perpetrated by manipulating a monetary sovereignty, a purchasing power, a money that were stolen from their victims in the first place. Kind of like those regimes that charge the family of the death row inmate the cost of the cartridge used to kill him, with the tiny difference that the inmate is the whole mankind and the execution takes place undetected as such.

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The other reason why the theft of monetary sovereignty is probably the greatest crime against humanity of the whole human history are its consequences: the world is being strangled by stolen monetary sovereignty, debt money and monopolies also because the resulting power gets plowed back into further crimes against humanity, which are in turn amongst the greatest of the human history. And even though their range is immense, their aim is the same: maximizing the power of criminals by increasing the transfer of purchasing power from the citizens to them, and reducing human resistance by any means, such as poisoning, de−education, disorientation, manipulation and social engineering. The usurpers of monetary sovereignty, for instance, not only act as a parasite of society feeding on its metabolic flows: the economy; they even artificially increase its economic metabolism by fomenting consumerism. But what’s even worse is that their purpose is twofold: not only they do that to fatten faster at the expense of the host organism – us –; they foment consumerism also because it contributes to producing both an ethical castration and a spiral of addiction to surrogate values, and both contribute to the attainment of their purpose.
In fact, you can see how mankind is being attacked on two fronts simultaneously, with a constant pressure to reverse absolute and relative: the right and the important things are being ridiculed and destroyed, the wrong and the unimportant things are being mythicized and imposed as their surrogates. And since no surrogate can ever take the place of the original, a spiral is created: seeking the original where it will never be found – among the surrogates – gets inevitably and exponentially more and more desperate – or hopeless. There are those who feel it instinctively but revolt against it blindly, there are those who instead get blind drunk of it under the illusion that they can forget about it, and both play in the hands of the manipulators by sinking in the quicksand. Now, on the one hand the front of this attack spans over the whole horizon, on the other hand it is unanimous, consistent and coordinated; do you think all this can happen by chance?

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There are no effects without cause. And since things do not happen by chance but they are caused, the trend of things is a direct indication of the intentions behind them. They say that, if they were just mistakes, statistically half of them should be in our favour; that is, if it were just stupidity and ignorance in good faith, so to speak, the statistical mean of the consequences ought to be relatively neutral. Therefore the fact that things go constantly and invariably wrong for the common citizen proves there exist evil intentions at work, not just stupidity and ignorance; and how much things go wrong demonstrates how much power these evil intentions have. Who has an interest in convincing you that things do not have causes? The culprits and the exploiters. And the basic principle is that behind any conflict that goes unresolved there is always a hidden third party actively committed to fomenting it, otherwise the two parties of the conflict, by dint of communicating, would sooner or later figure it out, hence the only thing to do is cooperating with a view of discovering this third party, and that is all.

Knowing that the theft of monetary sovereignty does exist, and knowing that evil intentions do exist, we can strain our imagination and estimate the consequences on a global scale of combining these two elements: all the world’s gold in the hands of the worst intentions. What is happening in the world is the demonstration. And a little preview of what is going to happen. Particularly comparing the statistic of the theft of purchasing power on the one hand, and that of the state of society on the other hand: if the current state of affairs is already serious, by comparing these statistics it is evident that the present, no matter how dystopian, is but a little taste.
One only has to observe how for instance in the last decades the individual, the family, the community and the society are being destroyed with an aggressiveness and a speed in direct ratio to the share of power in the hands of the criminals that stole monetary sovereignty from the citizens.
Destruction, to be more effective, proceeds from the inside, hollowing out, degrading, deviating and turning upside down the conscience of individuals, which then actively pursue self−destruction instead of fighting it. The initial aim is a barbarised mankind, the intermediate aim is an enslaved mankind, the final goal is an extinct mankind.
What’d you say? An insane goal? Exactly. And we’ve learned by experience that many pursue insane goals undisturbed, isn’t it?

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Now that we’ve come this far, the meaning of the following quotes should be perfectly clear, TO THEIR FULLEST SIGNIFICANCE AND EXTENT:

“It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system for, if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” Nathan Mayer Rothschild

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered … I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. … The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” Thomas Jefferson

“The world main economic and political activity consists in the extraction from the society, by the private banking system, of the purchasing power produced by society itself. It is conducted thanks to a mental and cultural manipulation that makes it unrecognizable, or rather invisible.” Marco Della Luna, Paolo Cioni

“I do not suggest that you bankers are criminals… I assert it!” Giacinto Auriti

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So, who are these people?

To find out, just follow the long chains of who owns or controls what. Grabbing some of the loose ends around and starting to pull them, following their trails from the company to the corporation to the bank, further and further up, one rapidly discovers a pyramid of strata of monopolies. Who’s on top? The fact that along the way up it becomes more and more difficult, if not impossible, to find out is no coincidence; on the contrary it demonstrates that there is an intention behind secrecy. But it won’t alter the fact that a pyramid does exist, and that a pyramid top does exist; on the contrary it confirms their existence.

And then, it’s not a what: it’s a who. This pyramid is not made of legal entities, but of individuals.
And the crimes perpetrated by the individuals at the top of the pyramid find no parallel in the whole human history. In proportion to what these individuals deserve for their crimes, the Nuremberg trial is comparable to sending Dennis the Menace behind the chalkboard for throwing paper.
Should this seem a mere sound bite to you, face this synopsis again and more deeply, please. History is littered with bloodstained puppets ended up on the gallows and puppeteers in white gloves worshipped as saviours, therefore by now we should have learned not to be distracted by the sight of blood and to scan beyond that in search of those who lay the foundation and pull the wires… and the nets.

So, what’s to be done?

Take our head off the noose.
It’s not a matter of “if”; there is no alternative: if we do nothing tomorrow will keep on being even worse than today, endlessly and forever; in fact, they say things can always get worse.
We’ve already experienced world wars and atomic bombs, and a dystopian relationship between economy and finance is already the case today, such that for every unit of actual value existing in the world there are in existence many dozens of debt securities continuously growing.
Shall we try to imagine what is going to happen when the 1% of the world, the top of the pyramid, will knock with police dogs and subcutaneous RFID chips at the doors of the 99%, of the rest of the world, claiming credits and intent on expropriating goods amounting to tens or hundreds of times anything that exists on the planet?

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Point one: it is possible to do something about it
Decide that it is possible to do something about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it does matter that it’s useful: if you don’t make this decision you will do nothing, and if you will do nothing you won’t have a chance to find out what is actually possible. If you think that everything is impossible, the possible becomes impossible, too; if you think that everything is possible, only then the possible becomes possible, which is not at all a foregone conclusion, and even the impossible can become possible, which can make a difference.

Point two: total personal responsibility
Acknowledge that it depends on you and you alone. There are cause and effect in the world, and one can be more or less active or passive, cause of effect. Be aware that the more you are cause the better, and the more you are effect the worse. Hence decide to be cause and not effect. And decide to assume to be limitlessly cause. Assume that anything that occurs, any place and any time, it is not only your concern, but even depends on you. As for the previous point, it doesn’t matter if it’s true, it does matter that it’s useful: if you think you’re effect, you will be effect and you’ll be trapped; if you think you are cause, you’ll be able to be cause and you’ll have a chance to get out of the trap.

Point three: willingness to know
Decide that you really want to know what is really important: seeking it, discovering it, observing it, verifying it, and using it. Be aware that you must do it very carefully, more carefully than you would think necessary. Assume that I don’t understand means I don’t know. And that there’s much to know, and it is vital that you know it. They say the devil hides in the details; he most definitely counts on the fact that the least we know the more we’re convinced that we know best.

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Point four: commitment and its ratio
If you realised you have enough reason to take these decisions, then you’ll probably realise as well that your resources – presence, energy, time, etc. – are not infinite, and therefore you cannot afford wasting them but you should make some choices, and commit yourself to issues in ratio with how decisive they are, of how much depends on them. This begins by making some space within your visual range for those issues which are definitely decisive, but still outside of it. The huge crumbling dam above the valley you live in does concern you, even though it can’t be seen from there.

Point five: intention and persistence
Be aware that the secret is persisting, and persisting despite everything and everyone. Acknowledge that you may have to implement those points despite everything and everyone, yourself included: against all ostensible evidence, and against every objection and personal inclination, starting with yours. The probability that what is right and necessary seems impossible or inappropriate where human faults are intensively cultivated by those who exploit them is expectably very high.

Point six: friends and help
It is obvious that no one lives for him or herself alone, that no one survives alone, and that no one is saved alone. It is obvious that life is a group effort that is based on mutual love, help, honesty and justice, and that life as a whole cannot afford apathy, irrationality, stupidity, ignorance, selfishness, dishonesty, destructiveness and evil. If it weren’t so, we wouldn’t be here anymore: by dint of tearing each other to pieces, by now we would have died out.
But obviousness is not always assumed; at least, not for everyone. Good is good and evil is evil because life as a whole depends completely on the fact that good is stronger than evil; if evil prevails, life is doomed, and that’s all. The more individuals there are who can’t love and be loved, help and be helped, the more we are all doomed.
So the degree all this is obvious to you is very important, as important is also that you take care of, and cultivate, this point of view.
And in doing so, you may notice that the world is full of friends who each one handle some specific aspect of the general situation, trying to improve it, fix it, or even save it, and that we must all of us become aware that we’re all on the same side, that we must handle things in ratio to their importance in the situation, and therefore that while we handle our specific aspects we must also put up a united front on the basic elements underlying all the others.

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Point seven: foes and trenches
Acknowledge that you are at war against apathy, stupidity, ignorance, unawareness, and evil: pure and simple destructive intention; be aware there can be opposition, and be always prepared for it. Be aware that these foes never sleep, while both you and your friends may be put to sleep just by them, as a sly but effective strategy of hollowing out from the inside. Be aware that it’s a trench warfare in which every moment one can advance or move back one foot, by opening or closing again someone’s eyes.

Point eight: the core
We must wipe out of existence the philosophers’ stone. We must take back what is rightfully ours, and whose theft makes it possible for the thieves every other oppression and destruction: we must take back monetary sovereignty.
Until we plug up the drain, fighting over the taps while the tub drains is not only a waste of resources, but red herring as well; politics is but a mass diversion weapon to divide us and distract us from solving economy: the smokescreen to keep us in the hamster wheel rat racing to death. Does the so−called “Right” say that to honour our debts we must restore our balance by tightening our belts? Does the so−called “Left” say that to honour our debts we must relaunch our balance by spending more? Both would be partly right, if it weren’t for the tiny, insignificant detail that that debt is INTRINSICALLY FRAUDULENT AND INEXTINGUISHABLE. Need I say more?
Economy, not finance, is the honest exchange of the fruits of our toil thanks to which we live, and the economy is strangled by a parasite: the criminals that have stolen YOUR monetary sovereignty.
The debt claimed over us by these criminals? Consult the definition of “odious debt”: the whole mankind is being drowned in what can only be defined as the mother of all odious debts.
Incidentally, it is an interesting fact that even if, ad absurdum, anything exposed here were completely wrong, false and backwards, taking back monetary sovereignty is just and correct, and it does not have any downside whatsoever, anyway: taking back from the criminal what is ill−gotten and give it back to its legitimate owner is always so.

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The way out is freeing the economy from the money controlled by these criminal parasites. The solution is using any form and any medium of credit, payment and exchange that is honest.
The definition of honest money here is totally precise and incontrovertible: its purchasing power belongs from its very emission to its legitimate owner, the individual that produces the products that it buys, and is under his or her control, instead than owned and controlled by criminal parasites.
The other mediums include non−monetary exchanges and self−managed circuits of mutual credit and of local, alternative and virtual moneys, all of them on the sole condition that they are honest.
It has been said that money is an idea based on confidence. A means of credit, payment and exchange, such as money, is an agreement that unites a group. Using it is joining that group and strengthens both the means and the group, for better or for worse: in the case of a local money supporting its community for the benefit of all, as well as in the case of the oil−producing countries accepting only the dollar to support it to the detriment of the rest of the world.
One can join in of one’s own will, or passively, or against one’s will. Usually, one does not join oppressive groups of one’s own will, hence duress is a sign of oppression. Therefore, guess where the defence of freedom and survival begins: in choosing, using, defending and strengthening with one’s presence free and honest mediums of exchange and groups.
This is the way out in times of crisis and emergency, too: a crisis or emergency is an endemic or sudden scarcity of survival factors, and all survival factors are produced; hence to get out of it the potential, possible production must be made possible and facilitated, and the way to achieve it are means of credit, payment and exchange. And the trust of which they are the instrument.
The good will of individuals is the engine that will overcome the crisis, the fuel to make it work are that form of trust known as credit and the generosity of those who extend it, and that fuel materialises in those means. That generosity should in turn be fuelled by the awareness that by extending credit one is just catching up with all the help one receives from the others and from the world, that one would not receive if they were not there, and must necessarily extend to both the debts of the past and the credit for the future.
And whether those means are a bet on the future thrown over obstacles or a further step down in the quicksand trap depends on whether they are honest or dishonest. Lending dishonest means is the tool of criminal parasites to further expropriate and enslave people, and that is the way to the bottom. The way out is people helping one another via honest means of credit, payment and exchange.

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The key to all this is obviously that each one of us studies and thus knows what honest money and means of credit, payment and exchange are and how they work.
The plan is simple, clear and precise, and it is that we all, personally and independently from rulers, use them more and more, gradually increasing the part of the economy exchanged through them until the total of it is.
Everything is basically agreement, and media of exchange are an agreement, too: let’s agree upon ours and dissent from theirs. We will discover, as it is with all real solutions, it is even more feasible and beneficial than we think.
These are the reasons why:
a) Justice
Putting an end to what is probably the greatest crime against humanity, at the hidden root of all the others, and disciplining the culprites, is sacrosanct.
b) Disinfestation
Healing in a decisive manner is based on removing the cause at the root of the mestastases. Putting an end to the infinite purchasing power at zero cost at the disposal of the criminals and of their monopolistic, destructive and evil intentions is the effective way to stop the dystopian drift and the suicidal destruction under way everywhere, because it takes away the energy that powers them in the first place.
c) Sovereignty
We consider democracy the best possible political system, despite all its limits and shortcomings, because we’re conditioned to conceive society and government in terms of proxy, of political representation; by overcoming this limit we can discover that the exercise of monetary sovereignty by its legitimate owners, the citizens, is a non−delegated economic democracy superior to any delegated political democracy, intrinsically free of the limits and shortcomings of these. What is impossible in terms of political proxy is feasible in terms of non−delegated economy: while in political democracy, on the basis of a vote at the very best sporadic, generic, emotional, superficial and approximate, we delegate others to take on our behalf a myriad of specific decisions on subjects we do not even know, that eventually fall on anyone, and, moreover, with the majority coercing the minorities, in the economy everyone of us, individually and continuously, on a case by case basis, from time to time, moment by moment, each time one decides to use or not to use one’s purchasing power one takes economic decisions that constitute a vote in favour of or not in favour of, pertinent, specific, in−depth and precise, that does not fall on anyone and does not involve a majority coercing the minorities, because anyone is just as free to do the same and support or not to support what one sees fit, and without such individual decisions consolidating in monopolistic majorities that oppress minorities. This achieves what is defined as a voluntary permanent referendum anyone freely and spontaneously participates to.

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Furthermore, at an even more fundamental level, the legitimate owner of monetary sovereignty, the citizen, uses it to help; the usurpers of monetary sovereignty, bankers, politicians and their puppeteers, use it to betray.
d) Feasibility
While both inspiring and preserving participation in the indirect political democracy is a thankless task, because sadly many are disinclined to intellectual and civil commitment, on the contrary inspiring and preserving participation in the direct economic democracy is much more rewarding, because luckily economy is at the root of life, and thus observation, benefits, sociality and the facts alone are enough to involve in honest money and means of exchange.
Revolutions and political changes require a critical mass whose attainment involves failures, problems, risks and pitfalls, puppets and puppeteers, before, during and after the show. Economic democracy – on the contrary – can be implemented with complete graduality: one step, one individual, one group, one area at the time; and with the least fuss, hassle and casualties.
Among the qualities of graduality, a not negligible one is that it maximizes the opportunities to prepare as well as possible to handle both the change and the opposition, and this is essential because obviously it is to be expected that the criminal masters of dishonest money, our occult slave masters, oppose our liberation by whatever means, and thus it allows to prepare at best for a war on all fronts: consensus, law, force.

Point nine: the engine
The first requisite to solve a problem is that there is someone there, aware of the problem and willing to solve it, and economic suppression is no exception indeed.
Be therefore well aware that it is vital that you play your part to rebuild the human being: the individual, the family, the community and the society, beginning by yourself, must be put back on their feet, with their head screwed back on, the gaze straight ahead, thinking clearly, and willing to know and to solve.
And be just as well aware that this opposes head−on all the pressures, overt or covert, carefully and strategically spread everywhere with the common final goal of a broken−up society formed by blind, apathetic and ultimately suicidal amoebas.
As to this, it is interesting to observe how rebuilding the human being is at the same time an aim and a means to achieve it: the human being must be rebuilt to defeat such pressures, but to rebuild the human being these pressures must be defeated. Indeed it has been said that to achieve the state you want you must act, at least to a certain degree, as if you already were in that state. And that’s where what we call intention, self−discipline, spine, willpower, resolution, courage, and the alike comes into play.

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Point ten: the root
Be aware that the root is the intention of individuals: anything is but a tool in the hands of individuals, individuals act upon intentions, and all the rest depends on this. Be aware that the rotten apples that originate the destructive intentions may even be a few, but the real problem is that there are always too many sane apples that allow themselves to be invaded by maggots: that instead of detecting and stopping the destructive intentions they accept, relay and amplify them. As a consequence, in the presence of destructive intentions and in the absence of immunization against them, any potential risk becomes a real danger, and there are those who will use as an instrument of destruction as much anything as its absence. And when the rotten apples and the apples invaded by maggots have at their disposal the unlimited purchasing power produced by the philosopher’s stone, the consequences are unimaginable, but nonetheless tragically real. Be aware that as a direct consequence, immunizing each one of us to detect and stop the destructive intentions instead of relaying them amplified is by far the most important issue, because in its absence the fate of anything and anyone, including ourselves and life and the civilisation themselves, is doomed.

Point eleven: the compass
The foundation of immunization, of detecting destructive intentions, influences and actions, is discerning destructive from constructive. Despite being made difficult by the obvious pressure to disguise betrayal as help, at the root it is simple. All life, all life forms, ours included, strive to do one simple thing: survive. Which literally means to live as well as possible, as long as possible, individually, in mutual cooperation and globally. Hence, anything is constructive or destructive, positive or negative, good or bad, right or wrong, to the degree it contributes to or opposes that.
This is a clear and simple compass, so however puzzling each given specific case, it makes it possible to orient in it. Part of this orientation is that this commitment to survive is permanent, hence so does this compass. Not only are true values measured by how they contribute to life, but it will always be so as well. As a consequence, part of the orientation provided by this compass is that true values are absolute, and thus any pressure to relativise them is premeditated destruction, it is directly part of the attack or indirectly results from it, and any backing down or acceptance of such pressures is a deficiency of immunization, itself a fruit of the destruction and of the attack, too.
For the compass to perform its function, one must see both it and the facts for how they really are. As they are both usually obfuscated by unwillingness to look, fixation on opinion and justification, doing it is not trivial nor obvious, but then the picture comes clear: to find out whether an idea, an action or an individual are sane, maggot−ridden or rotten, just assess and evaluate the product, the result, the actual consequences, in terms of difference between before and after, between with and without it.

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Point twelve: conclusion
At this point…
one can start from the assumption that it is always possible to do something about it in general, and that specifically one can do something, actually and firsthand, about the roots of what is going on;
one knows who, what and where the roots are, and one knows what is truly necessary and why: vanquish the core and destroy the philosopher’s stone, so the rest too can fall into place;
one knows how it’s done: by rebuilding enough human beings, starting from oneself, wise and determined enough to overcome, one by one and shoulder to shoulder, our deliberate sabotage, plunder and destruction;
and one knows that “no servomechanism, no expedient, no surrogate will ever do; only you and I rolling up our sleeves will.”

Should rolling up your sleeves seem too… “steep” to you, remind what we’ve been told time and again: “don’t bite off more then you can chew”, and then transform it in: “find out what you can chew, and do bite that off.”
We’re talking here about a fundamental issue: getting out of apathy, fear, refusal, disinterest, hesitation, procrastination and the like; the way to get through them when it gets hard is just as fundamental: proceeding gradually.
Which is composed of two words: gradually, and proceeding; in other words, determining and consciously applying the appropriate amount of pressure and persistence.
First, find out what one can chew: it may be merely directing one’s attention to the idea that something can be done about it, it may be demonstrating that something can be done about anything, and it may be finding something that one can do. And then keep at making sure that one does bite what one can chew: that one does perform what one can do.
By the mere fact of taking one step in the right direction after the other, the consideration of what is possible expands.
And finally keep in mind that it has been said that nothing stays the same, and therefore the reverse is true as well: no steps ahead does not mean to remain still; the smaller and powerless you feel, the smaller and powerless you’ll keep on becoming.