Crime Against Humanity: Pensée Unique in Economics, 66

In the memories of some of us the voices of the elderly resonate recommending us to study, when most of us were still far from witnessing firsthand they were right.
Because we now know any deception is based on Trojan horses, so anything requires thorough inspection firsthand, however palatable it appears, and whomever it comes from.
Also because the further down you are in the pyramid, the more challenging the quest for the key details of the way out.
And also because in economics much like in politics, as we run behind flags like dogs behind a stick, devil, as the saying goes, is in the details…

But now that we know them, let’s stop fiddling with his details and let’s track the devil down. Because once we have examined the mechanisms, the tactics and the strategy, the purposes and the goal, it’s time to remind ourselves that it is the hand that operates the hammer and it is the hand, not the hammer, which has goals and purposes. Every time we are appalled by a “what?”, our next step must be, “who?”

After all, central bankers made no secret of their point of view; thanks to Werner, as to this we learn that “the goal of monetary policy is to achieve ‘sustainable growth’” – which sounds good, plain and simple, doesn’t it? – so it is instructive to ascertain by their own words what they mean by ‘sustainable growth’.
To them, ‘sustainable growth’ “might require a short−term deterioration in the economy”, and “the prerequisite for sustainable economic growth is ‘structural reform’.” “Many people, Governor Hayami admits, feel that ‘bringing the economy back to the recovery phase of the business cycle is an important challenge’. But, like Mieno before him, he does not place priority on this goal: ‘Furthermore, it is more important that Japan goes beyond this by regaining economic dynamism by steadily pursuing structural reform’.”