Crime Against Humanity: Pensée Unique in Economics, 57

Not to mention the sheer divide et impera, divide and rule effect, of putting us all against each other. A facet whose immense fallout should prompt us to become experts in detecting it at work.
To those who know by observation how the true ethics of survival is just a tad different, this vision looks a bit weird. To those who also know how a suppressive sees others, it looks less weird. To a certain degree, we all may tend to see others as we ourselves are, and it has been said that the criminals do see others as they themselves are. It thus comes as no surprise that to a certain degree we all tend to act on that basis, and that criminals do so above the average – which is not without effect indeed. The very heart of Pensée Unique is suppressive, hence we should not be surprised by any suppressive outcome resulting from it at all.

As to fooling the victim into rolling out the red carpet for the attacker, indeed this is an even more radical solution: no need to make the attacker right and the victim wrong for the very good reason there is no attack going on in the first place, and thus there are no attacker and attacked, and nothing to defend oneself from. What about the casualties? Poor victims of “blunders” which would be avoided by just abiding by our dogmatic “miracle treatment” more.
And once again “dogmatic” is the key word here: the more the moneypulators are successful at hoisting their Pensée Unique’s basics on the pedestal of “everybody knows that”, the more the very idea of questioning them deserts the minds of their victims, and as a result the blame will be placed somewhere else on a wrong cause in any case, and the way is open for passing off the cause of the illness as its cure. Here’s a couple of dogmas in point in Werner’s words again: