Heartily Recommended Readings

There is a tendency to snub, disregard, ridicule, fight, betray, twist, alter, reverse and lose knowledge to the degree it is vital, particularly so in the presence of suppression, PTSness and humanoid faults.
We may say that basically the subject here is civicism, and we should clarify that civics is actually the basic manual of what it means to be, and what it involves to be here.
And then we should realise that as such it is a primary target: snubbed, disregarded, ridiculed, fought, betrayed, twisted, altered, reversed, clogged up with details out of context, relegated in the last position and nearly lost, it is actually the most basic and important subject.

And among its foundations are the core, the phylosopher’s stone, the overall picture and the price of existence expounded here: find out where you are.
Hope you will be so kind to excuse me for considering nearly all these references somewhat fundamental, exceptional and the like; in my defense, I’ll say that they are; and by strict definition of such adjectives.
And this is not the usual list of references. As such, it indeed provides a vast scope of trails for in−depth analysis but, far from being a dusty shelf filled with academic prop whose fate is yearning to be browsed by someone who will never do, contented with knowing they are there, everything here is a vital basic that in my humble opinion anyone ought to know to be able to fulfil one’s duty as a human being. So I wish you consider and read them carefully.

I’m not bragging and you have my word; once you know, you will tell me.

Heartily Recommended Readings, 2

Each person I mention here obviously exceeds far and wide my comment on why he or she is here; in a similar way, however vast, this list of basics is far from exhaustive; that’s why I dedicated this essay, in addition to you and others, “to those whose name is” but also “to those whose name ought to be”, and not only “in these heartily recommended readings, here”, but also “in such heartily recommended readings, elsewhere”. Their works are definitely part of mine, and my work is definitely an introduction to theirs.
By the way, I wrote my work directly in both English and Italian, and when the quoted excerpt from another author in either language does not have an original title but a translated one, it means that I coundn’t find it published in that language so I translated both the excerpt and its title.
Now and then in studying this material I discover that I’ve come on my own to the same conclusion some of them arrived at, and I am very pleased. Demonstrating that I figured it out myself is totally immaterial, I would think that anyone can, and enabling anyone to do so is the only thing that matters. As I said in the introduction to the overflight, my work pales compared to theirs, and in fact it is aimed at putting theirs together, in your hands.

When you investigate the subject you realise how many individuals did how much work, and how much information is available thanks to them as a result; the ensuing impracticability of listing them all proves the bottleneck is elsewhere: in our willingness to pay the price of freedom – or of existence, for that matter –: observing, investigating, verifying, studying, understanding, knowing, confronting, screwing our heads back on, and doing something effective to straighten things up and keep them straight.