Monetary Sovereignty, the Ultimate Power

At this point I think we can draw some conclusions about monetary sovereignty.

First conclusion is, what is monetary sovereignty? What did a certain gentleman mean when he slipped out, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a Nation”, exactly? He meant issuing power: on one hand deciding how much money in existence, when and to whom, and on the other hand being the owner of its purchasing power the moment it gets born out of nothing anyway.

Second conclusion is, what does monetary sovereignty really mean? Monetary sovereignty, issuing power, is the ultimate power. And its ultimate outcome in oligo−monopolistic hands is, sooner or later owning and crushing everything and everyone. Any oligo−monopoly is suppressive, any oligo−monopoly of monetary sovereignty is the ultimate monopoly.

Third conclusion is, what can be explained in view of what monetary sovereignty really is and means? Two issues. One is, how come monetary sovereignty is mysteriously overlooked as the power number zero at the basis of the “first” three powers, legislative, executive and judiciary? The other is, why are the creation of purchasing power out of thin air and its appropriation disguised under such complicated laws, regulations, processes? Why overlooking and concealing? Two rather rethorical questions, nonetheless definitely worth explicit answers.

Every minister of a cult being just plain dumb or playing dumb works constantly to maximise the distance, be it in the form of mistery, authority, violence or whatever, between the supposed deity and the herd of its worshippers, and to maximise their subjection and subservience, so as to dupe and exploit them as much as possible, for as long as possible. Whether in religion, economics, politics, philosophy or whatever, this is High Treason anyhow, and as such it should never take us by surprise…

Monetary Sovereignty, the Ultimate Power, 2

Knowing about its existence and its aim, not only we should never be taken by surprise by evil as itself, whatever its stage costume and the comedy in the theatre; neither we should ever be taken by surprise by its mechanisms at work: by what almost necessarily ensues when moneypulators and their henchmen are allowed to act.

That monetary sovereignty is the ultimate sovereignty and power is proven by the fact that when that is usurped the very notion of sovereignty follows in its footsteps and gets usurped by moneypulators. Odious debt is a perfect trap, as long as the debtor ignores that debt is odious. And in the wake of that debt, as its duped victims sink into its quicksand, little by little any sovereignty, wealth and freedom move from people to accountable institutions, to unaccountable institutions, to moneypulators.
As it’s been repeatedly said, the banksters understood that by the monopoly of creation of purchasing power out of nothing they could seize the actual value created by people in the society, and steal from both the people and their institutions their economic potential and their overall sovereignty with it, as proven by nations and governments sinking into debt and banksters becoming the rulers of the world as their fraudulent money carried out its mission.
I definitely invite you to begin observing what goes on around you from this viewpoint, knowing that you’ll routinely have to study your way through a very thich layer of cover−ups, distractions and red herring to hard facts and little−known laws quetly passed.

But as far as overlooking is concerned it is nonetheless incredible, and it is indeed criminal that economists, politicians, intellectuals, journalists and the alike quarrel perennially over where governments are to get funds to allocate while they relentlessly omit the basic of basics: monetary sovereignty.

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This definitely has all the appearance of a conspiracy of silence: you can’t tackle the subject of rivers and waterworks, steer doggedly clear of the very source of water, and call yourself honest. And we do know now how this omission is anything but inadvertent. Also because in the meantime the laws written by some aforementioned minister teach us that there are three and only three basic powers, and that’s it: these are the basics and there is nothing more basic than these. A conspiracy of silence on what are the resources, provided by whom, where and how, on which these powers are going to run and be exercised at all in the first place. And we do know now who and how is going to profit from this state of things.

And far as concealing is concerned, we find a thick forest regulating – or rather covering up? – how money just created is exchanged and reaches the main debtors, the governments. Say, why does not the private “central” bank straightforwardly create the quids out of nothing and loan them to the government at face value in exchange for the government securities and bonds, and that’s it? Why does it take the trouble to refuse those quids just created to that whom remains its main final recipient, the government, and loan them on privileged terms to commercial banks instead, and these in turn magically multiply them by creating further quids out of thin air behind the fig leaf of fractional reserve, but taking the trouble to have someone to loan them to (again, the government for the bulk of it) in order to be allowed to create them? What does it all tell us, in view of the old Latin saying, cui prodest, who benefits from that? The profits of commercial banks, in terms of stolen purchasing power, are exponentially higher than those of the central bank; but then who owns who, and who owns the owners of it all? That is the question.

But for now let’s go back to the rethorical question: why take the trouble to cover up? Like a pusher stationed before a school pretending not to be pushing poison to the youths, why a conspiracy of silence to hide the sancta sanctorum where king has no clothes and where we all receive a millstone around the neck for the guilt of making a gift of our purchasing power plus the infinite debt trap to those kings with no clothes in exchange for an absolute nil?

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Joking aside, given the aim above, once one has seized the issuing power, what prevents one from just flooding the world with debt fiat money out of nothing and buy the whole world and mankind out instantaneously? Of course, people would find out and tell one very kindly to shove that debt fiat money up, isn’t it?

So the reason for all complication related to the money issuing process is the most obvious and assumed since the dawn of time: using all the available bag of tricks to prevent people from finding out what is huge but simple; concealing the fraud and the beneficiaries, the crime and the criminals, so they can go on commiting it as much and as long as possible.

This said, the question becomes, how fast? Those criminals would certainly prefer to speed up the process and seize the whole world and enslave and murder us all a little bit sooner, wouldn’t they? The current complicated issuing process uses loans as pretext: the issuance occurs in the form of loaning, and the money gets born the moment it gets loaned. If the loans allowing the creation of money were only those to citizens, that would result in a rather slow process speed – at least, slow when compared to the thirst of those criminals –. Here’s where governments and similar national and supranational “public” bodies come in handy: once fiat debt money and such entities are both under control, that the latter keep hopelessly drawning in ever increasing debt serves not only the purpose of enslaving whole populations and countries through debt, but serves also the purpose of increasing the order of magnitude of the debt fiat money issued and thus speed up the whole process.

Some may want to call it Fabian Socialism. With Socialism meaning here that all animals are equal but some are more equal than others: maximizing the share of society under the control of “public” bodies, then all this has to be managed by someone anyway, and those managers, or the hidden masters of those managers, will be the masters of it all in actual fact, effectively sheltered by the formal collectivism. And with Fabian to mean gradually, that is, screwing people at the highest speed allowed by their current cognizance, which in turn can be reduced by employing the appropriate social engineering. In short, screwing you as fast as possible means screwing you as fast as you let them screw you.

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So what do we have here? We have a deliberately hidden basic basic power, monetary sovereignty, underneath the three basic powers: legislative, executive, judiciary. We have a core and a philosopher’s stone, forming a list of basic ingredients: the existence of suppressive individuals; the people’s inclination to be potential trouble sources under an unresolved influence, no matter how indirect, of suppressive individuals; more generally, the people’s inclination to be irrational, poor and dishonest; the resulting philosoper’s stone ultimately yielding literally all the gold in the world in the hands of key suppressive and potential trouble source individuals; the lack of a likewise basic vital knowledge to enable people to find out and neutralise these basic ingredients. It has been said that anything exists only because, whether we like that thing or not, we agree that it does exist. The irony here is that the suppressive philosopher’s stone that is being exploited against us all is no exception at all: it is effective in screwing us to the degree, whether we like it or not, we agree, even only by not knowing.

On this basis, from there onwards the rest is but arithmetic progression, mathematical consequence: welcome to the overall picture.