The waiter has brought us the bill, and we’re browsing the list of their “purchases” at our expense… let’s see: usurping monetary sovereignty, creating purchasing power out of nothing at zero cost, building an infinite debt trap on top of it, covering it all with the masquerade of central banks and fractional reserves, blurring the very concept of money and passing off their promises of payment as if they were money, playing along and holding bags to one another ad infinitum, in both time and scope with banking reflux, clearing houses, off−balance sheet operations, and who knows what other even less verifiable agreements, building a planetary cartel, oligopoly, monopoly on the circulation of all media of payment, of all purchasing power, of all economic acts, and thus of the very life of every living being on the planet, stealing all the purchasing power of the world, and all the power with it, and perpetrating the ultimate suppression of all Humanity, is most definitely the most serious criminal conspiracy and the greatest crime against humanity of all history. Hmm… looks expensive…
So now let’s carry out a small exercise whose purpose is highlighting and quantifying the consequences of depositing a penny in the bank instead of keeping it in cash. Not that under such conditions cash is free from the seizing of purchasing power out of nothing from those who usurp the citizens’ monetary sovereignty, and from the infinite debt trap built on debt money, far from it; the exercise’s sole purpose is getting an idea of what does it mean to feed with one’s penny the specific part of the fraud consisting of the legalised embezzlement and the money multiplier covered by the central bank.
For the sake of simplicity, we will not consider the interests and their compounding nature stemming from debt money, which we already know. So now we will briefly consider the mechanism of fractional reserve as free from it, but remember that in actual fact it is not; as to the fractional reserve requirement, for the sake of simplicity again we will suppose it’s ten percent, but remember that in actual fact it is more likely to be around one or two percent these days. So you may want to repeat the exercise a second time using such more realistic percentage, and then have fun a third time by introducing the compounding interests.
I would stress that here I use the term “penny” to indicate both the cash−delivery and the credit−promise, to reflect more clearly one of the foundations of the swindle: passing off a promise as a delivery. Only the first penny is cash; all the rest is fractional reserve fraud.
On the fraudulent basis that the banker is debtor instead of bailee, when he/she receives a deposit, he/she becomes the owner of it in exchange for a corresponding debt, and so he/she can dispose of it and deposit it as a reserve in the central bank, which accepts it and equates it to cash, and so use it as fractional reserve to create further money out of nothing.
So you break your moneybox and there’s one penny in it, and your parents, convinced to act for your own good, convince you to take it to the banker. The banker becomes the owner of the penny, and in exchange you own a credit of one penny in your bank account.
The banker brings the penny to the central bank. The central bank becomes the owner of the penny, and in exchange the banker owns a credit of one penny in its reserve account.
So the banker creates nine pennies out of nothing as per fractional reserve and lends or spends them (seizing products or IOUs in exchange), so they end up deposited in a bank account anyway. The bankers become the owners of these further nine pennies, and in exchange the citizens own a credit of nine further pennies in their bank accounts.
The bankers bring the further nine pennies to the central bank. The central bank becomes the owner of the further nine pennies, and in exchange the bankers own a credit of nine further pennies in their reserve accounts.
So the bankers create ninety further pennies out of nothing as per fractional reserve and lend or spend them (seizing products or IOUs in exchange), so they end up deposited in a bank account anyway. The bankers become the owners of these further ninety pennies, and in exchange the citizens own a credit of ninety further pennies in their bank accounts.
The bankers bring the further ninety pennies to the central bank. The central bank becomes the owner of the further ninety pennies, and in exchange the bankers own a credit of ninety further pennies in their reserve accounts.
So the bankers create nine hundred further pennies out of nothing as per fractional reserve and lend or spend them (seizing products or IOUs in exchange), so they end up deposited in a bank account anyway. The bankers become the owners of these further nine hundred pennies, and in exchange the citizens own a credit of nine hundred further pennies in their bank accounts.
The bankers bring the further nine hundred pennies to the central bank. The central bank becomes the owner of the further nine hundred pennies, and in exchange the bankers own a credit of nine hundred further pennies in their reserve accounts…
Don’t mind to take it over for me, do you? Maybe I have calculated wrongly, but I think you got the point.
By the way, worth repeating it once again, this highlights quantitatively as well the two reasons why bankers and their waiters fight a war against cash. One is quantitative in fraudulent terms: transactions in cash prevent bankers from exploiting the fractional reserve fraud in full; the less cash around, the more fractional reserve potential unleashed; one hundred percent of transactions in cash, zero percent of fractional reserve potential unleashed; zero percent of transactions in cash, one hundred percent of fractional reserve potential unleashed. The other one is quantitative in sheer totalitarian terms: achieving monopolistic control over all transactions, with all that this paves the way for, as the bankers tighten their grip over the law, towards a full arbitrary unaccountable power over anyone's money and transactions. And we do know what all that does mean, don't we?
So, how much is the bill?
According to Giacinto Auriti and Marco Saba, the amount of purchasing power stolen from the citizens by the bankers is the sum of the public debt multiplied by the inverse of the fractional reserve requirement. Thus, supposing the present fractional reserve requirement being two percent, according to this calculation the current amount of public debt multiplied by one hundred and divided by two is the amount of purchasing power stolen from all the citizens; dividing it by the number of citizens, you get that stolen from each citizen individually.
It is worth emphasising that this amount is quantified in terms of monetary units and that, considering the effects of moneypulations on the various aspects of production, of survival, of civilisation and of well−being, or their absence, it would certainly be eye−opening and worthhwile to quantify it as well in other concrete terms of life or death such as harvests, peace and prosperity or famines, wars and ruins.
And since willingness is a requisite of action and action is a requisite of achievement, we should not even overlook including in the bill the psychological effects of moneypulators’ crimes, too; they make life harder if not impossible, they put survival in jeopardy, they conceal the real causes – them – out of sight, they distract, confuse and mislead with wrong causes – anything and anyone else but them –, and each of these points cripples the very foundations underpinning willingness. Freedom and scope for action, clear visibility of the causes, confidence in self and in feasibility, both based upon achieved results, certainty of the ground beneath one’s feet in terms of steadfast principles, legal certainty and justice, these are the kind of things underpinning willingness, and there is where the crimes of moneypulators harm spirits in such a way that the very source of the energy that moves everything toward survival is endangered.
For instance, it has been said that «counterfeiting gravely cripples the moral and property rights foundation that lies at the base of any free−market economy.» To put this in a revealing perspective, free−market economy here must be understood as one where people help one another and not mistaken as one where people fight and betray one another – in other words, as an economy committed to survive, not to succumb, as history has proven that survival is a group cooperative effort. Among the foundations of the genuinely “free−market” economy, whereas free means free from suppression, you have fair exchange, certainty of property rights and freedom.
Ethics aims at survival, survival depends upon production and exchange, and production and exchange depend upon fairness of exchange because fair exchange brings about production while unfair exchange deters it, thus ethics includes fair exchange as vital to survival.
Survival depends upon being cause and not effect, this in turn is based on taking responsibility, and taking responsibility means recognising that one is cause, observing how one is cause, and thus how one can be more cause. Being cause means controlling, therefore includes that you can control and own, and that you can continue to do so, whereas being prevented from doing so demolishes responsibility and thus shifts one from cause to effect; therefore certainty of property rights is vital to survival.
Survival depens upon the power to exercise one’s freedom, too, as we happen to be made to be free and resent being enslaved, and so we’re better when free and worse when slaves, and one’s freedom is not merely reacting to external causes more than it is being subject to them, because in both cases one is effect, whereas being cause means being self−determined, whatever one decides; therefore freedom is vital to survival.
And counterfeiting eats away at each one of these foundations. A counterfeiter robs you and you barely realise you’ve been robbed, much less there is a counterfeiter and the counterfeiter is the one who robbed you. Rather, you develop the idea that there is no certainty under the sun and one can’t count on things – and on preserving your purchasing power and hard−earned savings in particular. You grow apathetic: apathetic about your property rights, since your savings can just vanish into thin air; apathetic about being cause, since there’s nothing you can do; apathetic about being free, since you’re in thrall to the unfathomable, and finding yourself unwittingly stabbed in the back is just in the “natural” order of things.
Apathy, the most basic, the most undetected, and thus the most dangerous human terminal disease: the more one is sick, the more one agrees with the disease and is willing to get sicker, instead of healing up.
It has been said that willingness and goodwill are all you’ll ever have; these, freedom and honest money combined are what every civilisation worth the name was built upon, until the moneypulators begun to hollow each of them out from the inside until its final collapse.
It could be said that, in view of the nature and of the spread in time and space of the infinite debt trap, the bill roughly amounts to: all the possessions of all – in the clear−headed, far−seeing and peremptory words of Thomas Jefferson – “the banks and corporations that will grow up around them”, and of all the puppeteers behind them and of all their puppets, plus all the corresponding well−being, safety, survival, opportunities, development, success, prosperity, happiness and serenity missed by the rest of us, plus the corresponding hardship, endangerment, succumbing, lost opportunities, lack of development, failure, misery, unhappiness and despair endured by the rest of us.
And it can be said that, as sure as arithmetic progressions are, sooner or later this bill will amount to everyone and everything. Unless we do something effective about it.
It is useful to make explicit and then confront here the concept and definition of “arbitrary”, an adjective for once deservedly promoted to noun. And then do the same with a fundamental discovery related to it.
An arbitrary element is something that has nothing to do with the circumstance it is in; there exists no actual reason in that circumstance at all why that arbitrary ought to be in it.
Just to be clear, wearing a woollen shirt on a hot summer beach, walking an elephant in a china shop, are but the self−evident ones because their consequences are immediately conspicuous; other less conspicuous and self−evident examples include things like superstitious gestures, debt moneys out of nothing and the infinite debt traps built on them, and in general many “everybody knows that…”.
And since an arbitrary element has no logical relationship with the circumstances, there is no reason for it to be there but someone’s intention: someone introduced it, deliberately, arbitrarily and forcibly. And the reasons why one does so are usually everything but rational and ethical.
However obvious this may appear, defining it explicitly and precisely opens the door to the second step, this observation related to arbitraries: unless an arbitrary element is detected as such, and as such eradicated, failing to do that will lead to introducing further arbitrary elements in the useless attempt to remedy the introduction of the initial one, and this will plunge the situation, as the arbitraries pile up, into a spiral of worsening conditions towards the eventual crash.
Note that an arbitrary is nearly synonymous with “wrong why” and “wrong solution”: you have a problem, you investigate it to find its cause, its why, you come up with one, and based on that you devise a solution. If that why is wrong, the solution is wrong, the problem won’t solve, you have just introduced an arbitrary and you’re on the verge of the spiral: whether you’ll plunge into it or not depends on your alertness in detecting the wrong why, the wrong solution, the arbitrary, for what they are, and behave accordingly.
Lacking that alertness, if your car stops you may find yourself with you car wrecked before you realise you’re out of petrol. Lacking that alertness, if you’re not feeling well you may find yourself with your health wrecked before you realise you eat badly. Lacking that alertness, if you don’t get along with anyone you may find yourself with your life wrecked before you realise you are the one that ought to improve first.
Clarifying the concept of arbitrary is very useful in general, but it is particularly so in the field of moneypulation for the simple reason that everything in moneypulation is arbitrary: the conspiracy of silence and the smokescreen on monetary sovereignty, on its usurpation, theft, transfer, manipulation, debt money out of nothing, legal tender, fractional reserve, banking reflux, financial speculation, odious debt, infinite debt trap, and all the rest of these scams, in addition to being all crimes against humanity, are all utter arbitraries. A pile of utter arbitraries deliberately set up by the darkest individuals for the most suppressive reasons human beings are capable of. And the clearer your ideas on the subject and on how serious it is, the more you are willing to behave accordingly without hesitation and without delay whenever you see a pile of arbitraries.
In the presence of the arbitrary element of moneypulators and the resulting inextinguishable debt, a “balanced budget” can be achieved only by adding to it the further arbitrary elements of the continuous and ever increasing amount of purchasing power units poured from the robbed community to those criminals and their leg pullers. And if this were not enough, as Marco Della Luna puts it, when you’re emptying a pool with a water pump and the water is almost over the water pump begins to go by fits and starts: this scam is twice a crime against humanity because it is also an unstable and non−lasting condition, that quite in addition to the basic social injustice and suffering will bring further injustice and suffering during the final “fits and starts” stage, which in turn will then be ended by the final crash bringing even more injustice and suffering to the whole of society.
In view of this total amount, and in view of all this… Bankers talking about their social responsibility are like Nazis and Commies talking about how zero impact their extermination camps are. Guess what? Our extermination camps are environment friendly: they run on your own very soul, flesh, blood and bones alone, without waste of energy, without scraps to dispose of, without pollution of the environment. But let's abandon such an unbecoming subject in favour of a more elevated one: aren't the works of art from our private collections we treat you to from the heights of our enlightened patronage sublime? You wouldn't think they're made of ground human remains, would you? Some criminals don't settle for their mere loot and victims. Some are compelled by their degradation to show off their loot to those they robbed it from. Some even go as far as to return them the crumbs as alms. In a world where every day bankers bankrupt and expropriate more people, assets and businesses, their “responsibility” is making no prisoners; and their “patronage” adds a cruel insult to injury that enshrines our apathy.